Beyond Rooftop Solar

Beyond Rooftop Solar is a series of panel discussions about commercial solar projects in Cazenovia NY and the surrounding area.

The series is designed to build a common base of knowledge within our community about this important topic. We will explore the compelling reasons to pursue renewable energy and the complexities related to siting commercial solar projects.

Beyond Rooftop Solar Sessions

  1. Community Planning for Commercial Solar

  2. Adapting Scenic Hudson’s “How to Solar Now” Toolkit for Cazenovia

  3. Agricultural Lands & Solar Energy Generation

  4. Industry and Economics

Session 1 - Community Planning for Commercial Solar

Session 1 Panelists

Shere Abbott - Professor, Geography and the Environment; Director, Environment, Sustainability, and Policy, Maxwell School, Syracuse University; Board Member, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)

Dr. Phil Hofmeyer - Associate Professor & Chair of the Environmental and Renewable Resources Division and Interim Assistant Dean, School of Agriculture, Business, and Technology at SUNY Morrisville

Dr. Kristi Andersen - Professor Emeritus, Political Science, Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Syracuse University; Town of Cazenovia Councilor

Chris Carrick - Program Manager, Energy Management, Central New York Regional Planning & Development Board

Session 2 -Adapting Scenic Hudson’s “How to Solar Now” Toolkit for Cazenovia

Session 2 Panelists

Alex Wolf, Conservation Scientist, Scenic Hudson

Cassie Ferrante, Colgate University Upstate Institute Summer 2021 Fellow and CPF Intern

Learn about the geospatial tools available to assist municipalities, land management organizations and communities in siting and planning commercial solar projects.

Session 3 - Agricultural Lands & Solar Energy Generation

Session 3 Panelists

Mikaela Ruiz-Ramón- New York State Policy Coordinator, American Farmland Trust

Jason Mulford, CPESC - Senior Environmental Analyst, Department of Agriculture and Markets, Division of Land and Water

Luke Gianforte - G.L. Assets, Town of Cazenovia Zoning Board of Appeals (alternate)

Learn more about how solar projects are being implemented on agricultural lands in our state and in our region. How do we balance the need to protect important agricultural lands for agricultural uses with need to increase the amount of renewable energy generated in New York State?

Session 4 - Industry and Economics

Session 4 Panelists

Dr. Phil Hofmeyer - Associate Professor & Chair of the Environmental and Renewable Resources Division and Interim Assistant Dean, School of Agriculture, Business, and Technology at SUNY Morrisville

John Langey - Chief Financial Officer, Costello, Cooney & Fearon, PLLC; Town of Cazenovia Attorney

Michael Frateschi, PE -  President, TJA Clean Energy

Learn more about the economics of solar projects and get an industry perspective on considerations related to the siting and municipal-level permitting processes for commercial solar facilities less than 25MW. We'll consider the ways in which project scale, incentives, site constraints and mitigation measures play a role in project viability. This session will also outline the basics of PILOT agreements (Payment in Lieu of Taxes), HCBAs (Host Community Benefit Agreements) and decommissioning requirements.

Why Cazenovia Needs to Know About Solar Power

New York State has set ambitious goals and created financial incentives for implementing renewable energy to address our carbon footprint and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Several commercial projects have been proposed in Cazenovia and surrounding communities within the last 18 months and it is anticipated that more project proposals are on the immediate horizon.

On June 14, 2021, the Town of Cazenovia voted to place a moratorium on new applications for commercial solar projects in the Town, pending review of its existing code. We have the opportunity for a community forum around this topic and community members can provide input about the scale, scope, and siting of commercial solar projects in Cazenovia.

Beyond Rooftop Solar is for anyone in Cazenovia who has an interest in learning more about the potential for commercial solar energy projects in the area.

You can learn more about the current status of renewable energy development in Cazenovia. Beyond Rooftop Solar is the perfect event for residents that want to contribute to the renewable energy conversation.

Beyond Rooftop Solar is hosted by Cazenovia Preservation Foundation, Cazenovia Area Community Development Association, United Climate Action Network, and the Cazenovia Chamber of Commerce.

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